Friday, September 30, 2016

Thinking about, among other things, the sexual attacks and murder of women in recent months. What makes a human inhuman ? (what about the leaders responsible for genocides and wars and military leaderships...)

Psychology teach us that our behavior, thoughts and actions are produced by working together of a complex system of cells, organs and chemicals.
Sin; in the New Testament the Greek word for sin is hermatia, or quite simply, “missing the mark,” is quite easy to do with poor brain function, says Daniel G.Amen in his Healing the Hardware of the Soul. I personally don’t have much faith in any healing process. The question however is, is it alright to simply blame it on chemicals and poor brain function for our (forget Sin) inhuman behaviors? No, we cannot…
As solution, psychology would offer medications, therapy and even meditation, all that which deals with control of the mind. Not control,I feel, education would help. (Not the commercialized, exam-based education which is in vogue today) Education which enable individuals to think for themselves...This, again, as not a solution. There are no solutions. Seeking solutions to me looks rather naive. We should perhaps leave it to the `straighteners.'
Straighteners? This I came across in Aubrey Menen's The Space Within the Heart.

They are the neo-Freudians (Alfred Adler, Carl Jung...) who announced that Freud's view of the condition of man was altogether too gloomy. "We are not cripples who have been twisted and bent to fit into our nooks in a monstrous society," the neo-Freudians would have us believe. But long before neo-Freudians came on the scene, Samuel Butler, having foreseen them,  summed up in one sarcastic word. He called them ‘straighteners,’ says Aubrey Menen.

(‘Sin,’ says my notebook,’ is not sex any more. That has been coped with by the straighteners. To be sinful is not to conform, points out Menen). 

What an hostile territory we're in!

Then what about the leaders responsible for genocides and wars and military leaderships...Should we look into that matter separately? More to do with power perhaps? 

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